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Give Your Futon Some Love

Posted on Thu, Feb 14, 2013

Futons need the proper care to keep them looking and working correctly for years. Frames need cleaning and tightening. Mattresses need cleaning, protecting and turning. Covers need cleaning. Whichever frame, mattress, or cover you have, taking the proper care of it will ensure a comfortable, useful sofa and bed for years of use.

CARE OF FRAMEunfinished full futon
1. On a regular basis check all the joints to see they are tight but not over tightened.
2. Dust or polish wood parts of frame to keep clean.
3. Check metal parts for rust. Can spray with small amount of w-d 40 to keep working. 
4. Make sure no parts are bent.
5. Replace parts that are broken quickly to prevent further damage. 

MATTRESS CAREfuton mattress
1. Flip or rotate mattress on regular basis for best wear.
2. Keep mattress covered with a cover to help keep clean
3. When using a bed should keep a waterproof cover that goes on under or over decorative cover for best protection.
4. Get rid of surface stains with a mild solution and damp cloth (not overly wet) with laundry soap, white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide mixture. DO NOT GET WET or overly damp, this will ruin mattress.
5. Can put ouside without cover on warm sunny day to deodorize and freshen. Also helps refluff.  
6. Vacuum on regular basis to get off loose pet hair, food and dirt. 

COVER CARE   futon cover fabric
Covers come in variety of fabrics. Some are washable while others need dry cleaning. There are a few that are too delicate to be cleaned only vacuumed or spot cleaned. If you have kids or pets do not get one that isn't cleanable. Some covers can be sprayed with fabric protection. This is helpful when futon is going to get heavy usage such as in family room.

1. Best to vacuum or brush off on regular basis to remove loose dirt.
2. Make sure to follow cleaning instructions that are on cover.
3. If washable, best to use cold or warm water and gentle cycle. Most can't be dryed in dryer, air drying is best. 

The proper care of your futon is important. You want to be able to get years of comfortable use out of your futon as a sofa and a bed and keeping it tightened and cleaned will make this possible. Futon parts can usually be replaced when needed. Mattresses do wear out and can be upgraded over time. Covers are the most replaced due to redecorating needs. Some customers like to have several covers for seasonal changes.

A futon is a versatile and well used piece of furniture. It works well in several different settings. Kids love to sleep on them, adults love the ability to change looks easily. Family rooms can be used without worrying about the furniture. 

Just keep in mind that from time to time you need to check your futon for wear and tear.
Call the futon store & more if you have any questions about the mainenance of you futon, mattress, or cover. 

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