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Got a screw loose? ...on your futon frame!

Posted on Sat, Apr 24, 2010

The Futon Store- News & Tips

Remember that your futon frame needs to be tightened occassionally. Check your bolts on the arms regularly to keep it in it's best shape. All you need is the allen wrench that comes with the frame and about 5 minutes of your time.

Just like many other items you probably have around your home that use screws, your futon frame needs occassional maintenance. That wobbly end table or kitchen chair in your home is probably due to the same issue. Unfortunately, if these problems are left unattended, they could cause your frame and the other items in your home to become damaged.

In some cases, frames have gone so long without being tightened that the seat of the frame actually comes out of the groove and falls to the ground. Fret not! If this happens to you and has not broken any pieces, simply lift the seat back up and tighten the frame back together. In most cases this will do the trick! However in those rare cases that one of the plastic pieces breaks, let us know so we can replace the part for you or point your in right direction to find it.

Protect your investment.
Tighten your frame.
Show your futon (and it's hardware) some love!

Tags: Product Information, futon store, futon frame