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Boost Your Kids Brain Power With Sleep

Posted on Sat, Aug 01, 2009

The Futon Store- News & Tips When it comes to boosting your child’s brainpower, a goodnight’s sleep should top the list. According to sleep researchers, sleep deprivation forces a brain to work harder to perform even the simplest function. That translates to slower thought processes and less focus. A good night’s sleep before testing has been proven to increase test scores, and kids with set sleep schedules and healthy sleep patterns have been shown to make better overall grades.

The Futon Store- News & Tips Here are a few tips to help your child get a better night’s sleep:

  • Set an age appropriate sleep schedule. Most children need 10 or more hours of sleep.
  • Get a mattress suited specifically to your child’s comfort level. Be choosy when picking out a mattress for your child. Let them test out a few before making a purchase. Memory foam is an affordable option for customized comfort. Find out more…
  • Create an uncluttered, calming environment free of distraction. Despite their protests about cleaning, kids feel at ease in a clutter free, organized environment. Make picking up less painful by giving them plenty of nooks and crannies to put their stuff away. Under- the-bed storage is a smart option for creating extra stow away space. Find out more…
  • Designate a space for your child that is uniquely their own. Even if they have to share a room with their sibling, it is important to create single sleep space for each child. A bunk bed or trundle is an excellent way to create sleep space for a shared bedroom or for an overnight guest. Find out more…

The Futon Store- News & Tips For more information, or to browse our catalog, click here.

Tags: Memphis bunk bed, Memphis kids sleep, memphis kids room